Emily has introduced me to a Mad TV character, Miss Swan. I have previously watched a video about a lady placing her order at McRonald's and how she made the employee got frustrated with her. I thought her funny and it was only on Thursday that I realised that the lady was actually Miss Swan! Thought I didn't know who Miss Swan was but I did. She is more hilarious than Mr. Bean because she is more outspoken and her stupid answers to questions never fail to amuse me. Go google her up for those who don't know who she is and if you think she is not a bit funny, just close the browser and go on with your serious life. Everyone needs a moment of laughter especially living in this stress-filled society, don't you think so?
Here's one of her videos that I like:
Watching AF concert now. Oh, I can't believe it's the fourth concert. Ain's performance just ended and I think she did well. I wonder how many seasons more of AF to come? So many of them have graduated from the academy and I can hardly remember who they are now, except the students of the first and second season.
Going to Chenderiang for a short trip tomorrow.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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