I have always loved Fridays. You know why? That's because I get time to feel laid back and do the things that I want to do such as taking afternoon naps. I know it's a bad habit but naps are fun to take! Lazy me, huh?
Went for a haircut (more of a hair trim, actually) in the morning before heading off to Jusco for a brief stroll. Before entering the hairdresser's, I was contemplating whether to cut my hair short or not. Then when I was asked what I want to do with my hair, I straight away answered, "TRIM!". I guess I haven't gotten tired of having long hair yet. Not yet. Even if the weather is crazily warm-till-I-can-die state, I still want my LONG HAIR! =D
I didn't know there are tiny albums until I saw a few today at Fotokem in Jusco. I have heard of digital photo frame but this is my first time seeing those cute little booklets which can accommodate up to 20 pictures. Someday, I might consider making a portfolio of my own with it and bring the little album with me wherever I go. That will have to wait till after I have gone for a studio photoshoot first. Maybe ONE DAY. Just maybe.
I am glad that the visit to the ice-cream factory has been postponed to another day. Never been to one and I really want to see how ice-cream is made.
Another sunset is over. End Of The Year, I am inching towards you.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
I love Friday too :)
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