It's another Monday and tomorrow will be the final day of exam for me. What am I doing here when I am supposed to be studying? I have no idea. I feel sorry for leaving my laptop alone. So will be harassing it for a while more before off to the notes and keep Facebook away for a while.
Gonna watch She-Wolf before I revise. The plot is getting interesting. How will Noah escape from prison and will Lyka continue to be safe without his protection?
Here's a preview for the next post: Charis' wedding dinner last night. Still waiting for other photos to be uploaded by friends so this post is delayed till I have gathered enough photos.
The Yau-Liew Wedding. Precious Moments themed. How cute!
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
tak puas cuma sedikit saja updatenya. lekas lekas ya jangan sampai aku pengsan kerana lama menunggu.
terpaksa lari ke blog yang satu lagi... hingga kita bertemu lagi
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