There's a barbeque at Chin Hwa's place last night and the result from too many chicken wings, pork slices and sausages is...
I just felt it coming this morning and regretted for eating so much burnt food. Yes, the food was a little burnt maybe due to the fact that I added too much honey on the chicken wings.
There's another incident which I found funny. Eve asked me to barbeque a chicken wing for her but she went and took (in other word, stole) another person's chicken wing thinking it was the one I barbequed. Then the guy came over to the table where she took the wing from and looked for his chicken wing!
Eve saw him and then realised she took the wrong wing and asked, 'Is this yours?'
He looked at her direction and answered in Cantonese, 'I barbequed the chicken so nice you go and eat.'
Eve told me that she thought that wing was the one I barbequed for her. Then I told her that it was still on the barbeque pit. Oops...
She felt so sorry for the guy and wanted to replace the chicken wing but he rejected.
'Luckily he's not studying in SMI or else I will see him and remember that I stole his chicken wing. Phew.'
Yeah, very lucky indeed. Hahahaha...
After dinner, we sang some songs. Songs from BSB, Eminem, LP and even those chinese oldies. The moment she turned on the chinese songs, her mom came into the house and started singing through the mic.
Truly hilarious! Chin Hwa went all crazy singing and dancing. I've never seen her that happy (or should I say insane??).
Had some trouble uploading the pictures and I don't think I am hardworking enough to upload it later. So, no pictures. =)
Will be going to another friend's house in the afternoon today for raya. I feel like I'm torturing my throat now. Eating heaty food all the time. I just can't help it! The food is too delicious to resist! =D
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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