I received these pictures recently and how I wish my terrapins could do the same.
Step one: Look up and stretch your neck till you feel the strain.
Step two: Stretch higher. Your front claws must be able to leave the ground at this stage.
Step three: Just a little more! Now stand on the tip of your toes (or should I say claw-flippers?)
Step four: Congratulations! You made it! Now try to stand till your hind legs start to ache and cramp.
Have fun!
I will start training Light and Missa to do the same. =)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
2 wrote a note:
haha. that terrapin is so darn cute. so am i. :P
puiyun better stop being so perasan...hehe...
but i agree the terrapins are so so so cute.
and yea, i'll be going back soon but not sure if i'll be going out lar
have got exams 2 weeks after the break. gotta study. don't wanna fail bio anymore. =P
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