Found many interesting designs online and how I wish all the charts are available for free.
First up, my favourite.
Have always wanted to stitch something like this. The chart is free for download.
Classic Tom and Jerry
Is this a mouse or a bear?
Haha!! Only Mozilla Firefox like this. Sadly, I am not one. Next!
An assortment of cross stitch patterns. *drools*
Getting serious and definitely heading to the embroidery shop tomorrow. Anyone knows where I can find embroidery shops except the one in town?
Friday, April 30, 2010
Cross Stitch
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wedding dinner at Syuen Hotel - Charis' Wedding
Collected enough photos worthy to blog! After three times working part-time at Syuen, I went there for the fourth time as a guest.
Love the cake design.

Clockwise from top left: Reynard, Brandon, Chee Foo, Melanie, Howard, me, Mei Mei, Emily, Eunice, Sue Jane
Monday, April 26, 2010
A day before sitting for the final paper that unlocks the way to freedom
It's another Monday and tomorrow will be the final day of exam for me. What am I doing here when I am supposed to be studying? I have no idea. I feel sorry for leaving my laptop alone. So will be harassing it for a while more before off to the notes and keep Facebook away for a while.
Gonna watch She-Wolf before I revise. The plot is getting interesting. How will Noah escape from prison and will Lyka continue to be safe without his protection?
Here's a preview for the next post: Charis' wedding dinner last night. Still waiting for other photos to be uploaded by friends so this post is delayed till I have gathered enough photos.
The Yau-Liew Wedding. Precious Moments themed. How cute!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wedding dinner at Oversea Restaurant
The dinner at Oversea Restaurant was a really filling one. It was the post-wedding celebration of mom's cousin's son a.k.a. my second cousin's. Sounds complicated, huh?

Crunchy skin. Yum yum!
There should be another picture of the steamed fish but we got carried away snapping photographs so I missed the fish picture. It's enough to imagine it as a big bawal hitam STEAMED. I have said that, haven't I? Oops, forgetful me. Let's move on to the next dish.