My laptop bluetooth suddenly doesn't work anymore. So I can't upload any pictures to blog. The only alternative would be to send the pictures via MMS to my mom and she will do the uploading for me. Thank you, mama!!
I don't have any interesting things to update other than food because I am working in the food service department and I would like to make you salivate.
These days, I have been working in the morning shift and I usually have my breakfast at the hotel cafeteria.

Char Koay Teow

Char Koay Teow
During lunch yesterday, I saw this for lunch too. I knew it was from breakfast. Hahaha!!!
Went to the shop below Pinang Emas flat and ordered economy rice.
The gravy tasted very good and I wished I had bought some bread.
The next morning, which was this morning, I had fried noodles. I usually am not a fan of noodles but I was hungry so I ate.
The taste was not too bad.During lunch, I had some rice and fries and fish fingers.
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