Yay!! Finally I got back my blog. That's one thing that I am happy about. I had the worst day yesterday lamenting and nearly cried over my MISSING blog. Thank goodness it's back! It's not that I am such a baby crying over spilt milk, but the fact is that I had put so much effort pouring my thoughts here since October 2004 that it's really hard for me to accept the fact that blogspot had blocked me. I am just too glad that they didn't blacklist me. It's just normal maintenance.
And I have been so silly and foolish and I don't know. Just foolish.
However, I won't be deleting my tabulas account. Just in case anything happens to this one, I can always post my entries there. So if you can't view this one, move to the other one. This is the address.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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