Here's the picture of the funny-shaped tomato which is not so funny after all. I am so happy that i could upload the picture although it's not very clear. But still, nature is beautiful even in a blur picture.
I did not do anything to Saffy's rice today. It's just that she had a fabulous meal which no other dogs had in their entire life. Let me present you the MEAL...

Spaghetti and home-cooked chicken rice
And that's why she's now a fully bloated and contented dog. Life is definitely a bed of roses for her. As you can see, I edited the picture through my phone before uploading to beautify it. I admit the size is rather small though.
I don't know what's wrong with DiGi today. I can't seemed to send messages to others. Another connection problem I guess. But the funny thing was, I can only sms my mom. Weird.