These days, I have the tendency to put up pictures of food. This entry will be of no exception. Had a lovely dinner at Ola Ola just now.
The first course was soup and bread. The bread was toasted to perfection. Sorry, no pic of the bread. It looked like, well, BREAD! So, there's nothing special in its appearance. Hehe!!
Spaghetti bolognaise
I ♥ the plate the most! It looked so Black Canyon-ish.
Tomato juice. Too much water. Too bland for my liking.
Plus, a scoop of chocolate ice-cream to finish off the courses. Love the icre-cream lots!
P/S: I am a potential graduate. First time I heard of such a thing. I guess everyone IS a potential graduate. =)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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