Been searching for this song for so long and still not able to find it. I can never get bored listening to it.
Song Name: 黑色翅膀 (Black Wings)
Singer: 何潤東 - Peter Ho
我的肩膀 沒有力量 撐起妳建築的美麗假象
真實在前方 不是轉身就能忘 妳夢幻的國度我不會是國王
酒後讓自己再成長 愛的感覺都隨風釋放
我們的旅行都還沒到達 提起名叫現實的行囊
*妳有妳的黑色翅膀 無法飛翔在我的天堂
精靈們冷冷目光 讓我們墜落在彼此的腳下
收不起妳的黑色翅膀 只能在黑暗的餘光游盪
聚集再多光芒 也只是披著天使外衣的狼
Repeat all once
炫耀妳黑色的翅膀 卸下妳深白色的武裝
振翅吧黑色的翅膀 尋找可以依靠的惡魔啊
Repeat *
This CNY is a good time for sleep. =) Time to slack for a while before going back to college for some serious lectures.
I snapped some pictures with my grand uncle and grand aunt. Will be uploading the pictures here in my next entry.
What had happened to my assignments? They are all lying in the dust waiting to be dusted.
Here are two pictures snapped during the first and second day of the 牛 year.
First day (On the way back from grand aunt's place)
Back at grand aunt's place on the second day
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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