Here are some of the pictures taken during the CNY break.
Second day of CNY:
My grand aunt and I
With the addition of my siblings and my grandma
One happy family with my grand uncle in the picture
My maternal third grand uncle a.k.a. grandpa's younger bro
Fourth day of CNY:
This was the day I went to KL and had fun strolling at KLCC and Petaling Street. However, no pictures were snapped at Petaling Street as it was raining. Got a new skirt and top there. Mom's choice, grandma's money. =) =)
Some pictures of the apartment we stayed for the night.
My sis and I shared this room.
Whenever I look at this picture, I was reminded about how disgusting the bathroom in Langkawi was.
Entrance to the kitchen
The kitchen
Bigfoot has set foot here before!
Fast forward to the pictures taken yesterday. It was my 21st birthday! Many thanks to my dear friends who wished me via sms/facebook wall/friendster testimonial/chatbox. It feels good to have good friends all around. =D
Had a small celebration at Excelsior with my bunch of wacky friends.
The cake
Duyun darling and I
Snapping me snapping you
From Ju Dee's view
Group picture!
Why was Ju Dee trying to hide behind me?
Everyone's looking fabulous!
(I don't know why but I love using the word 'fabulous' these days whenever I am feeling fabulous. Oops, I did it again!)
Four faces
Another shot of four faces
Love the lighting in this picture
I got kissed too!!
It was partly a farewell party for Bih Tong who is going to study at Keris so it's a birthday cum farewell party. A big thanks to those who came and made my day. Love you all, muaxie muax!!
P/S: I am missing you already in class!!!
P/P/S: Thanks for making my day, duyun. I'll see you again the next time you come back. =)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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