Whenever I look at your pictures, I turn into an emotional wreck. I can never forget the way you looked at me, the way you lie down comfortably against my chest, sleeping soundly till I moved. And I can never forget the day, when all of these happiness which I thought would last ended. Forever.
The first few nights after you left, I had dreams about you. Dreams that seemed so real and it felt like the incident had never happened. I did not want to wake up from those dreams and back to facing the reality that you are long gone. It's only in those precious nights that I felt that we were together again. You and I. Alive. Have you been missing me as much as I have been missing you?
I can't stop these tears from streaming down. For the things that I have done that have made you feel sad, I apologised. It's almost two years since you have been gone. Do you still remember me? Do you still remember the times we had together? Those memories were more precious than gems. Though no longer seen or heard, they will forever be cherished and kept in my heart.
You are irreplaceable.
Someday, we will meet in paradise. It would be the time when I would see you free from pain and sorrow. I could envision you being vibrant and joyful, having the best time of your life.
If only time can be turned back to the moment my heart was still unbroken.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
3 wrote a note:
Be happy! You are a cheerful girl...but i know sometimes we can't stop our brain to think of all those sad memories. So..be strong!!=) Wish to see ur happy face in class tomorrow!
very touching words
I juz Love To see my lovely fren smiLing:)...
cheErup ya my dear..
knoe exactly how u felt...
time will cLear evythIng...
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