I am now enjoying my trip on the Pearl of the Orient.
Look at the beach. Doesn't look as clean compared to other islands but we had the best view from the balcony of the room. By the way, we are staying on the 13th floor. Room 1313. Such a beautiful number, right??
Look at the people on the beach! I can hardly see them as people. Humans are such minute creatures, don't you think?
Some other apartments/hotels nearby. I love the way the sun shines at this point of time.
Last night, we had our dinner in the hotel. Not exactly 'in' because we had our dinner by the beach. The ambience was really good with a duo singing for us on stage throughout the night.
Our table
Some macaroni and ham slices with a cheese tart.
Every buffet definitely has this. The unmistakable mushroom soup!
After that I got lazy snapping pictures of the food that I ate. Anyway, to list them down would not be too hard. I ate ice-cream (I mistook yam flavoured ice-cream for chocolate as the lighting was too 'romantic'/poor). I had 3 SCOOPS of that. Next time, I shall bring a torch to check on the colour properly before scooping it.
Then, my bro had enough of grilled lamb so I helped myself with a small piece. It was so delicious.
The tandoori chicken wing was tasteless though.
The next day a.k.a. today:
We went to Prangin Mall and did some strolling and during lunch, we saw someone who draped the national flag over his shoulders with a hairstyle so similar to the Jalur Gemilang. A moment later, he shouted 'MERDEKA!' and we looked at him, stunned. A man who was tending his stall assured us not to worry about him (we thought he was a fugitive from the Blissful Hospital). He was actually very normal. It seemed to us later that he was the owner of the eatery as he sat at the counter collecting money from the customers. People nowadays are so interesting.
Then, we went to Gurney Plaza. Gurney Drive, here we come! The haven for more wonderful food.
Chee cheong fun with prawn paste and sweet sauce.
My plate of fried koay teow (egg + prawns -oysters)
Longan drink. My brother was busy enjoying his bowl of laksa.
Want to eat some brains?
It's OTAK-OTAK! It was not brain actually (For those people who know BM, they will know what the joke is about). It was actually fish with some eggs and I-don't-know-what mixed together and the combination was so great.
The night view of Penang. I never thought it would be this pretty. Credits goes to Deric for being the photographer.
I'll be going back to good ol' Ipoh tomorrow. Time indeed flies when I am enjoying myself. =)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
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