Just tried out the cucumber soup (which is currently chilling in the quick chiller). I found that it actually tasted better than I had expected it to be but I am still not so sure whether it is supposed to taste sourish. Anyway, will be bringing the soup to college and see what others think.
I had a wonderful day today strolling in Sunway Pyramid and we did buy some stuffs. I wonder how were the rest of the people who went for the My Gopeng Resort trip doing? I guess they did consume a lot of fruits. Oh, I love fruits!
As Malaysia is having summer now, it's better to cut down on durians and other heaty fruits. I think I am getting an ulcer or it's either a wisdom tooth growing at my bottom left jaw. I remember feeling the same pain once last year and I thought I could be wiser since I am getting a wisdom tooth but it didn't grow. Quite disappointed, I dare say.
Back to the horrid weather. I hope Malaysia is not going to have summer all year long so that fall and winter can come. I would like to see some snowflakes. I love the sight of Christmas with a snowy surrounding. Oh, and the pretty flowers that bloom with the start of spring.
I know this doesn't make sense but it would be lovely if we have four seasons, wouldn't it?
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
i love christmas too...keke...lets go sg to cele christmas if we have a chance to =p
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