The set lunch today was excellent.
The table setting
The appetizer: Vietnamese spring roll
Tasted sourish when dipped into the sauce and it's a real good starter.
Next up, is the Minestrone soup. Simply delicious thanks to miss. =)
Dragon fruit sorbet
Lamb cutlet (95% cooked)
Mushroom vol-au-vent
Mixed fruits dipped in chocolate
I was so stuffed after all the courses. Thanks to everyone in Group B and also miss for the wonderful meal!
A note to Mr. Simpson: Your service is not too bad la. But you should have danced to make it the ultimate service. Haha!!
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
yupe...simpson would have better service rate if he dance tat day...muahahahaha...=p
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