Finally summer is about to end in Malaysia. I think 'fall' is coming.
Anyway, today we went to do our marketing and we actually spent above RM80. I can't believe that the things we bought were so expensive. The preparation was smooth today and I hope things will be as smooth-sailing tomorrow.
There's an alteration regarding the sorbet. Instead of strawberries, lemons will be used in the sorbet. I actually feel this is better since it's more original.
To my two dearest friends, Sarah and Duyun:
Thank you for your undying support for me. Really appreciate it. I can't wait to see you guys again tomorrow. Miss you both so much although I have just seen you last week.
Oh, and another thing. A very happy birthday to Amy! 080808 is such a nice date to celebrate your birthday. All the best in your future endeavours and never forget me, okay? I officially welcome you to join the two-zero club. =D
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
nice blog wor adik
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