There is no winter storm in KL, sadly. I know I should be happy with the news because if it does occur, then there must be something wrong with the climate but I reckon it would be much colder that way. Who knows it might affect the weather in Ipoh to be less warm?
It's so cooling tonight that I don't want the night to end. Sorry, Patricia. I know you love the bright and sunny weather but I am the total opposite. LOL. I feel sluggish when the weather is warm. When the sun rises tomorrow, it's going to get warm again. Can I pause this moment when I feel most comfortable?
P.S. I am going to Lumut tomorrow for a short day trip! I miss drinking the barley-in-beer-bottle there and the dried sotong and the satay fish!!♥
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
3 wrote a note:
Yea, the news of hailstorm was widespreaded here that everyone went back from work early yesterday.
so everyone untung besar. got to go back early for nothing....hahaha need to feel
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