Unexpectedly, the weather remained gloomy today (yesterday, to be accurate as it's past twelve) and I get my share of cool air once again. I want to thank God for giving me my favourite temperature outdoors and that made me enjoyed myself even more in Lumut. Well, not quite enjoyable as it was raining with raindrops so tiny in size that you could barely feel the rain. It's amazing to be able to feel wet but not feeling the raindrops on my skin.
Bought lots of satay fish (one BIG packet actually.. still a lot, right?) and dried sotong! I don't eat the brown sotong in their natural form when they are cooked in any way except when they are being dried and flavoured. They taste more delicious that way.
After the dried seafood shopping is done, we went to a shop called Cheng Ming (铖铭) near Econsave somewhere before entering the town of Sitiawan for lunch. The price was considered cheap as the portion of the sweet and sour fish, vege and brinjal fried with tofu were big. No pictures were snapped because I was hungry. We were filled with contentment, having digesting food that cost less than RM30 in our stomachs. That's what I call food bliss.
Lesson learnt at youth today: I do not have to show to others my identity of being a Christian by announcing it to the whole wide world. What is important is that I show the likeness of Christ in my words and deeds and people will be able to see the light of Jesus that shines from within me.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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