Watched Love Matters (幸福万岁) just now and it is hilarious. I cannot agree more with Patricia. She was so right. All the female counterparts (referring to the guys) should go watch it to humour themselves as well as to learn something from the movie. Jack Neo has never made a failed movie. Loved all his works!
Mid-term for Moral will be starting approximately 18 hours from now and I haven't opened my textbook yet. I should stop being so complacent typing here when I have to study. It's a good thing we have some tips to spare us from reading too many unnecessary words from the notes though. Count my blessings, I shall. =)
I have got all of my assignments in hard copy and they are ready to be passed up to be scrutinised and evaluated.
Currently reading Marley & Me and it is a book you should not miss. It gets better as the story progressed. At the same time, I am also reading Written in Bone by Simon Beckett which is a story about an anthropologist who went out to Runa, a secluded island; which now becomes a crime scene of a murder and he must, at all cost, find out the truth before getting himself killed (I invented the last part but I honestly do think that he would almost die in certain part of the book since he is prying deeper and deeper into the case with the murderer running loose on the tiny island).
I hope they make a movie out of Written in Bone somewhere in the near future. I always love forensic movies. =)
Brain's lacking in oxygen as I have been yawning since the beginning of this entry so I shall go get my beauty sleep.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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