Been searching for this song for so long and still not able to find it. I can never get bored listening to it.
Song Name: 黑色翅膀 (Black Wings)
Singer: 何潤東 - Peter Ho
我的肩膀 沒有力量 撐起妳建築的美麗假象
真實在前方 不是轉身就能忘 妳夢幻的國度我不會是國王
酒後讓自己再成長 愛的感覺都隨風釋放
我們的旅行都還沒到達 提起名叫現實的行囊
*妳有妳的黑色翅膀 無法飛翔在我的天堂
精靈們冷冷目光 讓我們墜落在彼此的腳下
收不起妳的黑色翅膀 只能在黑暗的餘光游盪
聚集再多光芒 也只是披著天使外衣的狼
Repeat all once
炫耀妳黑色的翅膀 卸下妳深白色的武裝
振翅吧黑色的翅膀 尋找可以依靠的惡魔啊
Repeat *
This CNY is a good time for sleep. =) Time to slack for a while before going back to college for some serious lectures.
I snapped some pictures with my grand uncle and grand aunt. Will be uploading the pictures here in my next entry.
What had happened to my assignments? They are all lying in the dust waiting to be dusted.
Here are two pictures snapped during the first and second day of the 牛 year.
First day (On the way back from grand aunt's place)
Back at grand aunt's place on the second day
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy 牛 Year and have an Oxpicious Season! =)
Once a year, I will blog something about reunion dinner (if I am cooking, that is) and below are the pictures of the dishes we had.
First up: Turnip and carrots
Sis cooked this.
Second dish: Potatoes with minced chicken meat
My cooking. I love adding more black soy sauce so that is why it's so black. =)
Thirdly: Aubergine/Brinjal with minced chicken meat
Less black sauce so it's less black. My cooking. =)
Final dish: Sweet and sour chicken
Sis' cooking. Delicious!
There's also groundnut soup. It's been a while since I have boiled soups like this.
The best soup I have ever boiled (not that I want to self-praise but it's actually good. Hehe!!)
One big happy family picture of everything.
So colourful, right?
Crystle had her share of good food too but...
... she is not eating because of the fire crackers. She is such a cowardly dog. She makes more noise than the crackers. I just hope she will get over her fear soon and start eating.
As usual, I will extend my invitation to those people who wish to 拜年 at my house (to those who know where my house is only. Heehee...). Come and eat and drink because tins of food and cans of drinks are provided. =)
祝大家新年快乐 万事如意!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Mosquito talk
These few days, I have been getting ample of mosquito bites. It seems like the mosquito tribe has a vengeance against me. The worst was when I was bitten in college yesterday morning. I was wearing stockings and I could not scratch or else I would risk tearing them. Now that's the disadvantage of having them on when the mosquitoes are gleefully feasting on my legs.
Even right now, I am typing in the state of itchiness. Can't they just leave me alone and go bite Crystle?
(I am so selfish, I know, but I still love you, Crys. =P)
I hope I don't get dengue. Please let the mosquitoes be the ordinary ones. I do not want to celebrate CNY in the hospital with the nurses and doctors.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Busy yet interesting day.
Today's morning class was so silent as there were only five of us (Suren, Christina, Kailash, Kevin and me). Apparently the other girls have their own reasons for not being able to turn up. It just feels so weird without you guys in class. So I ate lunch with miss, Pek Wan and Mr. Foong. Our option for lunch today was the porridge opposite the college.
I love porridge. <3
As soon as it came, I snapped this picture to show Ju Dee, Pat and Bih Tong what they had missed. There were three kinds of eggs inside; chicken, duck and century.
Then miss asked me to take the chopsticks away so that I can snap a better picture.
Nah! Here it is!
Thin slices of ginger in the midst of the eggs.
The afternoon class was hilarious as Suren came up with this brilliant idea to make a face-to-face comparison between Kailash and the president of U.S., Obama.
Can you spot the difference?
We have the U.S. president (too bad it's only a replica though=P) in class!
By the way, Kailash said his house is white so that means his house is the White House!
I think we should get back to serious studying before our minds go crazy.
Dear Bih Tong,
I will definitely miss your presence in class. I have never thought
that the present that you are going to give me for my 21st would be your absence. We must meet up for lunch. We definitely must.Your so-called human dictionary who knows few words to say to you,Fiona
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
When a 凉水uncle became not so 凉 anymore
Chinese must speak Chinese/Cantonese or don't speak at all. English is like a foul language to all Chinese.
For those of you who can converse in English, do not show off this capability of yours when you plan to quench your thirst by ordering a glass of 凉水 [liáng shuǐ] (I just realized I don't know what it's called in English! 凉水uncle, please don't scold me because my English is so bad that I don't know what your products are called in your-most-hated language.) at a shop near Olympia College Ipoh. If you are stubborn and utter even a single word in English right in front of his shop, do not blame me for not warning you earlier because I already did.
So who was the victim of the day? It was not me but poor girl Ju Dee (who initially activated the lava in the volcanic brain of this old 凉水 man by asking Bih Tong about the names of the 凉水 written on the containers in ENGLISH!) got attacked with inaudible words mostly about how rotten to speak English at work and so on. He actually think we are working because of our uniform. Then, I corrected him by saying that we are still studying and he mumbled further about the evil side of English, I suppose.
We stood there, dumbfounded. Well, what could we say? We quickly flushed the 凉水 down our throats to prevent from getting our ears tortured further by his lecture.
(Olympia should considering hiring him as a part-time lecturer since he seemed to be able to talk so much in such a short time.)
Dear 凉水uncle, we are not athletes therefore we do not study at Olympics.
If only I could bend like those gymnasts I see on the television, I wouldn't be
seeing you today, would I? I would be off to some awesome country where 凉水uncles like you speak English or even French.
It was really 'nice' meeting you today. You taught me right what the teachers taught me wrong. Dinosaurs are not extinct. You are truly one in a million. Why don't you go and audition for One In A Million Season 3?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
So blessed!
God just work so many wonders in my life and I have definitely lost count of them.
Take yesterday for example. I usually have a very horrible first day when it comes to the time of the month but I went through yesterday with ease. I was feeling nauseous a little during lunch and a growing cramp and later on, they sort of vanished as soon as I stepped into church. It's just so amazing how God takes the pain away. Hallelujah!
I want to keep on serving the Lord as long as I live not because I feel obliged to do so but because of His great love for me. There is no one who can possibly love me more than He loves me. I don't think that I love myself that much at times.
Then, this keep me thinking. Why are people rejecting the Lord when He has done so much for us to go to Him? Often, people give all sorts of excuses that they are too busy and couldn't be bothered to hear the good news.
The Lord keeps the door open for those who want to know Him. It's the people that keep Him out with a stubborn 'KEEP OUT' etched so deeply on their hearts.
It doesn't matter which continent or ethnicity you came from because God does not look at the outer appearance but rather what is within your heart.
I feel so much better writing this down. I can't express my gladness to have the opportunity to know Him so personally. For all the multitudes of blessings I have received such as my grades at school; the good food I consume each day and every single breath of oxygen I inhaled since the first day I came upon this world, I can never thank enough.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Dedicated to a friend I am so fond of.
The friendship between humans is such a beautiful thing. It's also funny how when two individuals from completely different backgrounds meet and later on become friends so close that they become inseparable from each other. They eat together, shop together, gossip together, tell jokes and laugh together or even share their sadness when emotions swell.
That is how friends are. I want to be that friend to you.
It does not matter where you are going or how long you will be gone, but it's the desire to keep the friendship strong against time and distance is what matters the most. You told me that you will never forget me but you are worried our friendship will grow cold when we don't see each other in future. However, all I could see is your vulnerable side and you were pessimistic because you were afraid. So afraid that we will lose this friendship.
Do not ever think that way, my dear. Where there's a will, there's a way. After all, we are walking and breathing on the same planet. I do not have to go to another galaxy to keep in touch with you. Be more optimistic, will you?
You told me not to cry but you are crying yourself. How would that makes me feel? I could feel your pain and the fear of loss. I would not want you to let those tears stream down because they are better saved for something better. Turn them into tears of happiness, perhaps?
I am not trying to indicate that you cannot cry for sadness. When emotions get too overwhelming, it's hard not to let those tears stream down.
I just want you to know that everything you do is not a destiny but rather it's a choice you make for yourself. No matter how much I do not want to see you leave, I will never force you to stay but will support you in every way I possibly can. Never try to predict what the future holds for it's only God alone that has the master key to all the doors of His plans.
Let's cherish and celebrate this moment while we still have it. =)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I met a runaway fugitive from the asylum!
I was really angry and shocked but I waited till my emotions sort of cool down before writing it down or else I am afraid Blogger will ban me from using their hosting site to blog . Even the rain came to tone down my anger. So what was I so angry about?
I was driving on a straight road when a lunatic (I shall cease to use the word idiot because idiots might be less intelligent than normal people but their brains are still as normal as everyone else's) sped out of the junction and hit the rear bumper of my car (driver's side). There was a slight impact and I felt the car shook and my thought suddenly flashed back to the time when Ju Dee hit the side of the pillar at Syuen after work. I was thinking of the worst at that moment.
Now how does the car looks like now? Has it become disfigured?
I quickly parked the car and got down. I could feel my heart pounding a million times per milisecond. Imagine how worried I was!
First, I checked the doors. Then, the bumper. Oh, I finally saw it. The unmistakable red paint from the Wira on the curve of the right bumper. There was no dents. Just the scraped paint. What a thoughtful souvenir from the lunatic! I wonder how his car bumper is doing. It had messed with the wrong car.
Below is the simple illustration of how it happened. I was not at fault.
Besides being a lunatic, he was also a coward. He just sped away (with no intention to stop to even check out his feeble bumper condition right after the hit).
I shall be patient with him since he has an empty head.
Monday, January 12, 2009
It's the time of the semester...again.
Just drank a glass of mango yoghurt drink and I feel so rejuvenated. I'll never lose my love for yoghurt or drinks made from yoghurt. =)
First assignment had safely made its way to the doors of Olympia and I am waiting for the arrival of the other three VIPs (Very Irritating Papers!).
Actually, it is not too irritating since the word count is only 2k (I hope the other three VIPs are the same).
*keeping my fingers crossed*
Current word count for Principles of Front Office: 86. 1914 more to go! =D
I can't wait for my three months break from May-July. Pure bliss.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Expect the worst and you will get the best.
Night class was interesting (which I initially thought would be boring). Maybe it's due to the company of wacky friends that I feel entertained throughout. I love you all! =D
I finally checked my result today and it was out of my expectation. Indeed, what people say is true.
I expected the worst and I felt much better when I got to know that I didn't do quite as bad as I thought. I guess it's better to expect the worst and the best will naturally come to you. Expecting the best will only bring disaster. This is my own theory. It is not certified so do not sue me if it is not effective for you.
With the assignment questions slowly making its way to Olympia, I guess I won't be updating much unless I am procrastinating AGAIN.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
The silliness after class
Today we officially started our first class. And all the craziness began.
During lunch, Ju Dee was blushing for I-don't-know-what reason and I snapped some pictures of her. Initially, there was only one photo but she wanted more.
POSE 1: Snowflake cheek
POSE 2: Dorky look
At this point, I planned to stop but she said, "Let's snap more silly pictures!" So here is
POSE 3: Eye-rolling look
Do I look like I care?
Then I felt it's unfair for Ju Dee to be getting the attention all the time so I snapped a candid of Bih Tong as well.
I am blushing too!
Then Ju Dee wanted a final shot of her acting as a deer/reindeer/something-with-horns.
POSE 4: Deer-ish look
I am still not over Christmas!
(I didn't edit this picture because you already looked all made up. Where did you get the lipstick from?)
On another note, result is coming out. I wonder how I fared.
Out of boredom, I took an IQ quiz. This time, it's not from Blogthings. Try it out if you want. It makes people happy.

Sunday, January 04, 2009
A few days ago, I saw this cuckatoo in one of the shops nearby while I was on my way to the watchshop to replace the batteries of my watches (which had died for about the whole year).
It was eating something that looked like a lime.
This was the first time I have seen a bird clutching a fruit with its feet while seeding consistently using its beak. I should have recorded a video about this. It's just so brilliant. I knew it stood like that for a long time because it was still standing like that (just like flamingoes) when I came out from the watchshop.
I am going back to college tomorrow. Back to wearing uniform and eating pan mee for lunch.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
A little about the forgotten Malacca trip.
It's the third day of 2009. So far so good. I seriously can't wait to go back to college.
Time flies and Ijust realized that the Malacca trip (which happened in 2007) I promised to blog about has turned out to be a forgotten entry. I think I will have to break my promise and not write about it at all since I don't really remember the details about the trip. The big picture was, I went to A Famosa Water World and I remembered having a great time there and the chicken rice balls were delicious.
Anyway, here's a couple of pictures of me at the pool in Legacy Hotel.
Okay, you can stop laughing now.