I shall blog about the mini barbecue we had on Monday and let me present you raspberries!To me, they look like a cross-breed of strawberries and cherries. Very sour. I've always thought that raspberries are sweet.
The finished product! Raspberry cupcakes! There's raspberry jam hidden in the cupcakes as well.
I was there quite early and so Qarina and I had a lot of time doing some activities together. How I reminisce my childhood. It felt good to feel like a child again.
Qarina at work as a cartoonist. That's her ambition. See how diligently she drew the character from the guide book.
And I am in charge in colouring since she said she hated colouring and I hated drawing so we make a perfect pair! The character in green shirt is NOT my work. I painted the other one with only the face coloured. Forgot to snap the finished work. Sigh.
Then everyone finally arrived and the first duty we had was to set the barbecue pit.
The girls with Nick as the photographer.All in all, it was definitely a night to remember with so many shocking stories revealed that were too good to be true and made excellent choices for blockbusters. Roaches were killed in the process while Beauty (the rabbit) continued her duty chomping through the grass.
P.S. It has suddenly gotten very dark and I can't see my keyboard while typing this. Rain, please come.
1 wrote a note:
You guys look like you had fun with your mini barbecue party, lol! I think it would have been more fun if you guys thrown in a couple of sausages or chicken barbecue or veggies into your grill. I mean you already have the coal burning, might as well eat some real barbecue! There are a lot of easy barbecue recipes available, perhaps next time you guys would try it? It'll be great, you'll see!
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