It's the last day of May. 2010 is almost halfway through it's journey to 2011.
Monday, May 31, 2010
6 males in a tank
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A little of KL and mostly Ipoh
Before the photos start to mould and get stinky, here's the post with a little bit of KL and mostly in Ipoh.

They have changed the bedding. Funky orange. Me likey! Looks like my Corby. Hehe...

This bedding comes with soft toys. Why no soft toys for the recent picture? The bed has gotten older and does not like soft toys anymore. :(

Saw this Car Odour Eliminator in one of the hardware shops. Poor Golden Retriever has become the bad guy here. Do dogs really smell that badly? I don't think so lor.... Should have put cat poop instead. I can't imagine the picture of the poop displayed on the label. Wahahaha!!!

Poodles for sale too? This is Lui Lui. She is a kung fu dog because she can sit on the fishes without bursting their plastics. Got qi gong one leh... Seriously no joke.

Guppies! They keep swimming and swimming all day. I think they are like goldfish which has only 3-second memory. So that's why they swim a lot. Anywhere is a new adventure at all times.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Before I face Inevitable 3 for the final time
I wanted to blog about my KL trip (only a little of it coz I don't remember the details anymore) but I am too lazy to upload the photos ONE BY ONE like I usually do for other posts as I have no cable for Corby. No money to buy la. Poor me. So settle with words alone, okay?
Still stuck with Inevitable 3. Gonna finish hopefully by tonight. I know I have to write that down here so that I have no reason to slack off. Promises made must be kept. You must be thinking I am a fool making promises to my blog when it wouldn't be able to tell if I am lying or not.
Have started watching The Mentalist yesterday. Wow, it was good! I need to get myself updated with these television shows.
Interesting day at college today. Ju Dee is a contact lens celebrity now who teaches people the proper way to put them on. Watch it now!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
In the midst of handling the Inevitable
Just going to update some photos snapped at Kem Sentosa, Chenderiang (16 May) after completing 2 assignments. See, I am updating. This blog ain't dead.=D
On the hill. With Melanie and the deformed Christmas tree.
Melanie posing with the tree. I told her to tell people this picture is snapped in Cameron.
Look into the future. What do you see?
Before leaving the place, we saw 2 geese over the other side of the fence. Looks fierce and they can really 'bark'.
So fat and no doubt they will make a delicious platter on the table.
Closer view.
P.S. The Lord told me to be patient. I shall persevere more.
Friday, May 14, 2010
The inevitable has come. Skimmed through everything and why does everything seem so tough? As I looked deeper, I realised I have an idea to counter it. I hope it will work.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mini Barbecue Party
I shall blog about the mini barbecue we had on Monday and let me present you raspberries!To me, they look like a cross-breed of strawberries and cherries. Very sour. I've always thought that raspberries are sweet.
The finished product! Raspberry cupcakes! There's raspberry jam hidden in the cupcakes as well.
All in all, it was definitely a night to remember with so many shocking stories revealed that were too good to be true and made excellent choices for blockbusters. Roaches were killed in the process while Beauty (the rabbit) continued her duty chomping through the grass.
P.S. It has suddenly gotten very dark and I can't see my keyboard while typing this. Rain, please come.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Crystle loves milk!
The other day, I had Koko Crunch for breakfast and some milk. Even Crystle had her share of milk.
See her tongue sticking out licking the delicious milk from fridge.
Another shot of her. She's still a baby that loves milk very much.
This is for Sarah.
Pretty roses for Mother's Day.
Happy Mother's Day!
The most wonderful celebration for the most wonderful being everyone loves.
... to all mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers and the list goes on. Practically to every mother in the world.
A very special wish to mom. Hope you enjoy this day. Wish you were here every single year today.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Movie marathon at home
The timetable for the next semester is out. I wonder what kind of schedule I will be having for these three months. Sigh. I need more days for break. I have been watching movies online (thanks to Pui Yee for the sharing the website via Facebook!) such as Alice in Wonderland (1999), Obsessed (2009) and Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2009).
A random picture of Tweedledee in Alice in Wonderland (1999). Looks more or less the same as the 2010 version. The most obvious difference is, the Tweedles are tall in the older version.
What next? Probably The Final Destination (2009). I know I am outdated. Hehe!
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Baby rat in Aberdeen!
Happy Labour Day, everyone! It's a not a belated although it's after 12am now and tomorrow, I mean today is Sunday is Sabbath Day so everyone should continue have a rest day praising God in church!
Went to Aberdeen for a cuppa on Labour Day with Eunice, Deric and Sue Jane. These are what we had.
All different colours!
Here's a video of Cyril performing magic in Japan. You don't have to understand the language to be amazed. Check it out!
Now, is that believable or what?