I have the feeling that I am still on break. The assignments are not here yet so I have been watching Cruel Temptation (currently watching episode 98) and several animes (Yumeiro Patissiere, True Tears and Hanamaru Kindergarten) that mom introduced me for a few weeks already. I am turning into a couch potato soon.
There's a food eating competition held in college today and I am glad I didn't join.
Colourful array of food
Everything must be inserted into the bun and goes straight into the mouth. The stomachs of the contestants would surely be upset after the competition.
P.S. Happy birthday, Pey Shyan! Hope you read this.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
thanks mrs shrek! =) yours will be coming soon !!!!
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