Third semester. The start of it shocked me a little this morning. I was expecting to see Miss Rachel because I thought she is teaching us Marketing but the one's who's teaching is someone whom I have never seen before. Mr. Harry (previously from TAR College in KL) is his name. If I manage to capture his picture, I will post it here. For now, I shall let you imagine him as a good looking fellow. Not too far off the mark though. =)
The first lesson of Marketing is not about the subject but about speed reading and photographic reading. Pretty enlightening. I have never thought of studying that way. Attempted, but didn't really put a lot of effort in it. I'll try to start over a new study pattern using mind maps (something that is troublesome because I really hate drawing) if I get more motivation.
I can still remember shoes, handbag, dress, guitar strings, handphone, yogurt, chicken, pizza, milk, pencil box, tv, tie, wallet, glasses, CD case, books, nail polish, earrings, glow sticks all in sequence.
The timetable is a bit ridiculous. I have 4 days of classes of which 2 days consist of only 2 hours respectively. How? I still need to pay the RM2 parking for just two hours. RM1 per hour. I better stay longer at college to make it more worthwhile.
While waiting for dad to pick me up, I realized that the tree is still standing there after New Year.
Oops, caught Mr. Thomas too.
I feel weird because my routine becomes mundane once again.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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