It's the 16th day into the Twenty Ten. Haven't been blogging these days because I am busy watching a Korean melodrama.
Cruel Temptation
There are 129 episodes in total and I have just finished watching up to episode 27. Long way to go. The soundtrack of the drama is good too. I strongly recommend this drama for those who loves conflict-in-family sort of drama; mother-in-law abuses daughter-in-law, conflicts between the daughter-in-law and her best friend/husband's lover sort of thing.
The new season of American Idol has started and the audition cracks me up as always. Song of the year: Pants On The Ground! (If you don't get what I mean, go google it up.. hehe)
I have no class on Monday!! :o)
BUT I have replacement class on Friday. :o(
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
OOh .... Pants on the Ground! I had the whole song stuck in my head for days !! Cracks me up every time :)
HAve fun dear with your drama and singing competitions :)
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