The first three days of Christmas is over and soon the fourth will be gone by midnight. Who says Christmas ends on the 25th? Every day is Christmas. I would love to think that the birth of Christ is not only a one-day event but it's an ongoing gift that never expires.
I have mixed feelings about the start of a new semester on 4th January. Happy because I get to meet my friends again but I am dreading the soon-to-be-causing-me headaches assignments. Oh, and not to forget the amount of activities that our hotel club is obliged with. I will stick to my priority no matter what. I go to college to study and not to do other nonsense that do not contribute to any inputs to my almost damaged brain from the daily torture by assignments.
On a happier note, my E730 is resting in peace forever with its duty taken over by Samsung Corby. I love that new baby of mine. The battery lifespan is just spectacular. I have charged it only once (didn't charge it full) two day ago and now I still have 2/5 bars left. Amazing! Message capacity is great as well.. I can keep 500 smses (don't know how true that is, still waiting for my inbox to be full) and the font is cute.
Just playing with the camera. Forgive the quality. The camera does not come with a flash.
Crystle didn't know it's a camera staring at her
Another shot of her dumbness
Okay, I should stop blabbering about the phone and end the post here. Too lazy to find the camera so, there's no picture. :-P
It looks the same as the ones you can find in the Internet so here's a chance for you to do some exercise with your fingers by starting typing to google it up. I am so bad.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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