Had been out of touch from the Internet for almost the whole day. I missed Facebook so much!
I was at Jusco from 10.18am to 6.30pm. I may as well stay there for the night. So why was I there so long? I had two main agendas today.
I watched the 11am New Moon with Patricia, Ju Dee and Rooney. Jacob is so handsome. I wonder how long it took him to get those biceps and muscles all over his body. Edward looked kind of weird in a sense, I don't know why. I suddenly realized that Carlisle is very handsome. And Jane (starred by Dakota Fanning) is pretty even with her red eyes. She has grown so much. The last time I saw her was in Uptown Girl which was so long ago.
Had lunch after the movie and I should have ordered one waffle but I calculated wrongly and ordered two instead. Ate till I felt a slight purging but the iced lemon tea helped to get rid of it. Talked a bit and then we went our separate ways at 3pm.
Met up with See Mun, Bee Khin and Yi Wei at K-Box for karaoke session. Once again, congratulations to See Mun and Bee Khin on your graduation! I am so jealous!! Haha...
Came home and now watching TVB's 42nd Anniversary Awards show. Will be listing the full result after the show. Wait for it!! It'll be in the next entry. Tata for now. =)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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