Was thinking about blogging only tomorrow about my Teluk Batik trip but something made my eyes sparkled and I said to myself, "No, I have to blog about this right away!"
Landed at Jo's blog as usual and then I saw something that nearly made me teared. (Okaylah, no real tears came out but I am really touched!)
Here's the pretty award!
Thank you so much, Joanna! Never have I thought that my blog is award-worth you listed it in your number ONE!!! I am happy even if you list the 15 blogs in no particular order. I am still number one! YEAH!
Oh, and the rules are :
1] Post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
[2] Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great!
I am going to share this special award with 15 other bloggers whom have inspired me through their writings and to show them how much they mean to me. I really wanted to pass this award back to you, Jo. Can I just list 16 then? =P
Here goes.
1. Shinystar
2. Eunice
3. Pui Yun
4. Wei Li
5. Sarah
6. Patricia
7. Ju Dee
8. Eric
9. Irene
10. Elinluv
11. Miss Nurainie
12. Daphne
13. Ignyte!!
14. Lily
15. Sarah
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
3 wrote a note:
thank you for sharing
A smile from SJ =)
You totally deserve it :) Been reading your blog for ages and it's the best way to keep in touch .. hehe
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