The continuation of my experience working at Syuen Hotel. This time it's a Chinese wedding function which meant more fussy guest.
While waiting for the briefing to start, I snapped a few pictures of the ballroom. The lights were off then so the picture quality was not as good.
At first I thought it was a Malay wedding but then when I saw this, I knew I was wrong.
Double happiness character which proved that this was going to be a Chinese wedding.
The table setting. Look at the little box on the right of the chopsticks. Suren and I were betting on what it was. he said it was sweets but I said it was cake. I won.
A direct view of the character facing the entrance to the ballroom.
The 9-layered wedding cake. Beautiful.
The main stage.
VIP table for the newly-weds and parents
As the number of tables were less than on Friday's, it wasn't as tiring. However, the guests of the night were far more demanding. They would start making noise when their teas are not refilled immediately and some even complained that the tea wasn't hot enough.
Suren got the worst from a drunk guest. One drunk uncle asked him,
"Why are you so black?"
"Because you are white."
Suren, that was such a hilarious answer. If only he wasn't a guest, Suren would definitely get his sweet, sweet revenge.
I also saw Rains there. She said she was in charge of the event. Then, I noticed someone else who was also familiar. She was clad in a dark blue evening gown and I then recalled her name. Su Yin. Yes, that's her. My ex-schoolmate. Had a little chat with her and then I found out that it was her cousin's wedding. She was one of the bride's maids.
Compared to the Pre-graduates Night on Friday, last night's dinner had an extra course serving prawns. The courses seemed to be lighter compared to the first night I worked.
From these two nights, I have learnt that Chinese guests are really fussy, a fact I already knew but now confirmed really true.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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