I had my very first working experience at Syuen Hotel last night as a waitress for a banquet. I don't know about other of my friends but I did find it interesting albeit the heavy load of dishes I had to carry to the tables. Now I guess I need to do more of this work to strengthen my arms.
Through last night's experience, I finally figured out how the back area of Syuen looked like. The elevator was really antique. It's time for them to change to a new one as it looked as though it would fall apart anytime soon.
The moment we reached the second floor, which was where the banquet hall located, we were led by the manager into a series of hallways to the office where we kept our belongings and later on put on a maroon-coloured vest. I kind of like the vest.
Prior to the event (which was Malam Pragraduan UiTM Perak also known as Pre-graduates Night in English I think), we were briefed about the steward area as well as other details about the procedures to serve the courses. At that moment, I felt like there was so much things to remember but I eventually realized that the tasks when performed were not as complicated as explained in theory.
Now didn't that remind you of something? No wonder most students do not fare well when it comes to theory. They practise practicality.
The most tedious part of the job was actually sending the trays of dirty dishes and glasses to the steward area at the end of the event after the guests had left. My legs and arms were so sore from the long periods of standing and carrying the loads. During the service, I did something I felt embarrassing (didn't know whether the guests felt that way or not) about. When I was carrying the fish dish to the table, I spilled a little of the gravy on the table cloth before I managed to put the plate onto the centre of the table. Glitch happens.
But I enjoyed myself somehow. I felt I actually accomplished something by working hard.
A few pictures before the event started. We were so bored waiting for the arrival of guests so we snapped pictures of ourselves.
Ju Dee wanted to pretend that she was holding our faces but failed.
Three of us. Four if I count the photographer. =)
Patricia and I
I will be working for another function tomorrow/later today. I wonder what function will it be this time
P/S: Dearest uncle, you do not have to worry that I will regret what I have ventured into because I love the job even if it means hard work. Thank you for being so concerned. I really appreciate that. I really do.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
seeing what u doing...reminding me those days working in KFC n MarryBrown...
that was nightmare for me actuali...
alot of fake care i met...
those fake face males me realise....
ppl smiling on u doesnt mean they are 100% loyalty to u(most of the time)
Such experience taught me a different way to judge ppl...
not in naive way anymore...
but i see u work quite happy for now...
hope u keeps on happy with that...
wishing for ur success...
(dunno y canot log in)
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