Today marked a memorable day as I stepped foot into Indulgence to get indulged for the very first time. No kidding. Let's start with the moment I walked in. I had no idea which direction I should go to as the rest were not there yet so I attempted to call Patricia when one of the waiters there directed me to the left section of the restaurant.
So that was when my experience started and I will save the story until the photos are uploaded by our photographer of the day a.k.a. Ju Dee.
Fast forward to the next agenda: Jusco.
We finished our 'mission' at Indulgence so I followed Ju Dee to Jusco to get her hair shampoo. Initially that was the plan, but she ended up didn't buy anything because the shampoo was too expensive to her liking. So the four of us - Patricia, Bih Tong Ju Dee and I went to stroll (or what I prefer to call window shopping) and entered several shops like Padini (where I saw a beautiful outfit but did not try it on for I fear I will want it even more) and we forced Bih Tong to try wearing a skirt. After much persuasion, she finally obliged. She looked good in that skirt we (Pat and I) chose for her and she dared insult us by saying that it was ugly. It WASN'T, okay?
After getting bored of the shop, we went to NOSE and try on some shoes. I tried on a pair of 4.5-inch and I felt my ankle straining. But the shoes were really nice in terms of the colour and the design. It's just too bad that I don't feel comfortable wearing them.
Then it was movie time! Prior to the strolling we did, we actually bought tickets to watch Fury/Chocolate (I have no idea why it had two titles) which I thought was not my type of movie but it totally surprised me. It was real good! In my honest opinion, the stunts are better than Jackie Chan's. Go and watch it yourself and you will know what I mean. In most films that I have watched, the fighter would always be a guy and the girls were often portrayed as meek/gentle/sexy/whatever stereotypes people have towards the female counterparts.
It's been a long day and I am too lazy to do my assignment. It happens. Most of the time.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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