Barbecue last night was so much fun. As usual, all photos are stolen from Miss WTC a.k.a. What The Crab!
Before the sun sets and while the pit is still cold.
It was finally dinner time!
I looked as though I love the potato but actually its texture was like apple but does not taste like apple so it's pretty dry and awful. =(
The best chicken wings of the night.
Later, when everyone had gone back, we continued our barbecue night further with the leftovers we had.
More chicken wings and fishballs and also capsicums!
Meet my new friend, Ju Red (on the left) with Patricia (catching the redness from Ju Red)! She was so red that I think her blood vessels were going to burst right then.
Mr. Foong and I
The 'opening ceremony' was awesome if it wasn't because of the melting stirrers. But it was really cool when the whole stack was catching fire before they come tumbling down.
Simply beautiful. I don't think we will ever see this again.
Group picture!
Post barbecue: My throat is feeling dry and I could sense the soreness about to visit my throat. Miss Nurainie lent me a book entitled 'The Kite Runner' and I am planning to finish it before the week is out.
P/S: Result is out and I wonder how I fared. Can't be bothered to worry about what is already done. Got to get back to assignments.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
haha.. u no need to worry laR!
u have good results wat...
right~ hehehe....
i think sure u can finish the book by tomorrow...
erm... now quite late d...
bout 3 am liao..
tonight cant sleep and log in to read ur blog again!
wish u have a nice dream!
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