I know many of you out there are anxious to see the pictures from the cocktail presentation. They will be right up really soon. I promise.
Ju Dee, be patient for a little while okie? By the way, I love stealing your photos. I look really nice in this picture. Thank you very much.
Why can't I see your left eye? Maybe you should chop your fringe off. Haha!!
Meanwhile, let me tempt you with the trial cocktail we did.
The best we ever concocted
The display is rather dull but it had been improved today. =)
The kiwis before they are blended too soon.
Time to go to bed. It had been a long day. At least one assignment is over and done with. So glad that it's finally over. Phew.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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