Bought HP5 tickets for the 11th July night show just now. RM10 per ticket! Just because it's the first day of screening. If I had known earlier, I would have asked dad to buy it next week. It's not really important to be the first to watch anyway. It's too late to regret now since the tickets are bought. I hope it's not a disappointing movie since the tickets are so, so dear.
Yoda is not so afraid of us anymore, I think. When I took him out just now, he explored about on the floor. Then he peed on the newspaper when I put him back into the container with his all-time favourite kangkung. I guess he has not gotten off all of his fear. I am sure he will someday.
Fitria, the maid returned home this afternoon. She's a nice lady who loves reading. It's good to have another friend. She helped me did the laundry and the clothes that she folded were neatly arranged. This is something that I cannot do perfectly. Maybe she is trained well to do chores. I got to learn this skill! A new knowledge that I need to master. Jealousy strikes me when she could fold clothes better than me. =P
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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