Today is my third day at Front Office department. For the time being, my main duty lies at the gift shop but I will go out to the reception at any opportunity I get to see what I can learn. I don't know why but this is the department that lures me to be more curious than ever.
I have seen the manager about my wish to continue working in Front Office after training and I think all would be good. Now, I just need to learn the nature of the job and bear with the consequences that come with it. As he said, it is a 'hot' place. I think I can handle the 'heat'. I shall not worry and leave the burden to God. :)
I officially learned about the checklist for the safety box today and also escorted three guests today! (Although one of them just wanted to see the room as it was raining so heavily that he had got nowhere else to go. Poor thing!) I really thank the staffs there for teaching me and luckily they did not scold me when I forget things at times.
I am glad that I am put in the gift shop as I get to learn more. Looking forward to work tomorrow.
An embarrassing act of the day. I signed on the wrong side of the logbook while collecting the key for the gift shop this morning. Oops! Will definitely consult the security lady before signing tomorrow. :P
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
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