Some pictures from Ipoh. Chee Foo took us to a new Japanese place called Mokuren after church service on Sunday.
Later, I treat my sis at Brownies for Haagan Daaz ice-creams and brownies! Thank you Foo Suk for recommending this place. :)
The menu. ♥ the bear!!
Rum rainsin and Belgian chocolate flavoured ice-cream with brownies at the bottom. Super delicious!
Some pictures of the Elles! I can't wait to come back next month to meet with you two again!

Elly feeling drowsy

Elsa with her perks

This is so adorable!
Her growing teeth.
Elly feeling drowsy

Elsa with her perks

This is so adorable!
First day in front office was really relaxing. What a contrast from the hustle-bustle in SMC. :)
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