Happy Belated Labour Day, everyone! Was too busy labouring at work yesterday so didn't manage to blog. SMC was crazily busy!!! Everyone was having a great time enjoying their long weekend but the hoteliers suffer! Hahaha! Anyway, in the midst of hard work, we did enjoyed serving the people from all walks of life.
Let's take a look at last night's dinner. Went to Gurney Drive with Alfred and I realised we came on the wrong day! Was thinking of having char koay teow but every stall had a beeline as though they were giving free food.
In the end, I settled for this.

Prawn mee and muar chee and banana juice (no pix)

Alfred's choice. He ordered this with another bowl of something (I can't believe I forgot what it was).
Bought eggs from Cold Storage and then went back home. It was really kind of Alfred to walk back home with me. Thank you! But I pitied your legs have to walk back all the way back to Mutiara. You are indeed a great gem for a friend! :D
Today, the breakfast session was still busy but not as crazy as yesterday. More people checked out today. Came back home sleepy as usual. I think the 3pm sleepy disease is still there. Can't help it but to sleep in the afternoon when I am at home.
9-5pm shift tomorrow. Hope it will not be busy. Hee hee!!
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