The first hurdle is gone and I am about to face the second one the next semester. God has been gracious. He has made my journey smooth so far and I believe it will stay this way so long that I continue to trust in Him. Praise God for the unexpected result. Everyone is happy. I do not have to retake any of my papers and my dad can gleefully save his RM300.
The bacteria from the shower water in My Gopeng is still causing my skin to itch. I need to soak myself in a tub filled with Dettol, I think. However, I should count my blessing as there are others who got it worse. Be grateful all the time, during good and bad times alike. I shall cling onto that.
Another week of break before I start a routine life all over again. My life is pretty routine during the holidays but it's the routine that I like because I get to choose what I want to do at home. I love the freedom I get during the holidays.
K-sessions, anyone?? I only have next week.
Currently looking forward to August 15th. I don't think it will be fun but I will try to enjoy myself as much as possible. Bukit Merah, be more interesting, okay?
Before I forget,
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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