Tonight was Parents' Night of the annual drama (the title for this year's production is The Warlord of Terror) held in SMI. I tagged along since my bro had some extra tickets. Who doesn't love free tickets? I bought for the show next Sunday but since I have watched it, I am still wondering whether I should sell the ticket off or watch a second time.
Finally, I have finished reading all four books of the Twilight Saga. I know I am slow but at least I am faster than the movies. That's some kind of consolation. =P
A new semester will start in two days' time and yet I am still not prepared. I have this cluttered feeling that everything is still not in place. The file is still not emptied in preparation of welcoming the impending notes as I have no idea where to put my current notes. Maybe I shall do it tomorrow. IF the tomorrow ever comes. I am pretty sure I will end up emptying my file on Tuesday, right before I leave for college. Procrastination attacks AGAIN!
H1N1 is hitting Ipoh pretty badly now. I don't want to go out anymore. Hiding seems like a good way to prevent from getting infected. Even better, an excuse to take leave from college. Oh no, I haven't even started the semester and now I am already thinking of ways to escape. It's not my fault. It's the 'lazy chromosomes' in my cells that are doing all these wistful thinkings. The hardworking ones are diminishing in number each day. I wonder how much more time is left before they extinct completely from me. Getting crappy now. I should get some rest.
Good night, everyone.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
waiting for your new post. H1N1 is hitting Sarawak very badly and many schools were closed for a week or so.. about 30 so far. So scary thinking of H1N1. now that this dangerous virus is attacking children and elderly in most of the cases daily. Many have died and I wonder when will Mr. H1N1 leaving for good.
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