Had a really bad cramp today. Sometimes I wish I was a boy. But on the other hand, I love to do things that girls can do without feeling sissy or embarrassed. I don't want to be a boy after all. =D
Looking forward to tomorrow because I will be watching Twilight with Eza dearie. I think it's the very first time we are watching movie together. It's so good that you are staying so near me. We can always plan an outing together. We can hang out together when the rest of our friends are all scattered at various parts of the world.
Youth camp is on Wednesday but I am packing my bag to overnight at church tomorrow. It's been a tradition. I will only be back on Friday so I'll be absent from tomorrow night onwards!
You who are reading, do not miss me too much okay? =) I will be deprived from the Internet till Friday comes.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
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