I am finally going to be meeting my friends again! It feels so long ago that we have ever kept in touch although it was only last week that we have made a small reunion.
'Imported' back from different parts of the country, it's really cool to see you guys again.
From left: Xiao Wei, Wai Leng and me
Clockwise from top: Wai Leng, Kah Chan, Su Ping, Yee Leng, me and Xiao Wei
Everyone was from USA2 (Upper Six Arts 2) except me. I felt so alienated and close to them at the same time. This is so contradicting.
The brain in maths class and me. I will always remember trigo, algebra and probability whenever I see you. =)
This was how we looked like one year ago during our beloved maths teacher's birthday. I look pretty much the same.
Try spotting me. It's easy.
The girls and Puan Ratan Kaur.
Why were you closing your eyes, teacher? =)
So excited and looking forward to meeting some of you again tomorrow!! We'll eat and sing and reminisce about our good ol' days in school. I can't wait.
I have changed the background and the header for the sole purpose of Christmas. Tell me what you think about it yeah?
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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