Just came back from ICCC. The food was not bad but most people who went there were not interested about the food. It's more of a social gathering for them. I love both the social and food part.
Eve and me
Taken with my 1.3 megapixel camera phone. That's why the pictures look bad.
Clockwise from top: Me, Chin Hwa and Adelena
Slightly better. I guess the lighting was better this time. =)
Syafiqah and me
Hey, now only I realise I uploaded the photos chronologically. The worst quality to the best!
Me and Priya
This sweet girl sits next to me in class. Funny and sincere she is.
The crowd on the dance floor
It was better than last year's. Will be putting up more photos here as soon as I have got hold of them. =D
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
you're looking great wey... not like me. =) wish you all the best fi.
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