More photos which I 'stole' from my friends. Ensured better quality pictures. =D
From left: Me, Eve, Isma and Lyn Yee
Lyn Yee won the Best Dressed Lady Award for the night. The prize? A cute, cuddly Snoopy plushie!
From the front row, left to right: Kevin (won the Best Dressed Gentleman Award. USA1 rules!) , Isma, Lyn Yee, Priya, Fatin, Adura, Eve, Me, Chin Hwa and Adelena
This was our class photo for that night. It was a pity three were absent or else we can request Bro Mathew to put this photo in the school mag for next year. =)
Clockwise from top: Shikin, Adura, Fatin, Syaf, Adele Chin Hwa, Lyn Yee, Isma, Eve and me
7 girls from USA1 and 1 lost girl from USA3 on the far right (Wei Sin) and our Sixth Form Moderator. Don't be deceived by his looks!! You will never know what he's like!
Clockwise from top: Me, Chee Yeong, Stefanie, Katherine, Wei Sin, Chin Hwa (wonder where she's looking at..), Adele, Lyn Yee, Isma and Evelyn
We can never get enough of the cameras! Maybe that's the definition of Sixth Form Night. Well, it wasn't night yet when we took this pic.
Me and Isma who donned in Indian outfit, parvade.
Me and Kah Meng
A note to Kah Meng: Your 2.0 megapixel camera phone pictures do not have much difference in qualitywise compared to the photos taken with my phone. So, mine are not bad also! =P
Chee Hong a.k.a. Chee Pek, Adura and me
Girl Power! Contestants of Malaysia's Next Top Model..LOL!! 9 girls remained. Who will be eliminated tonight?
Fatin a.k.a. Fatini a.k.a. Misha Omar and me
Nice silky hair you've got there. Guna jari pun boleh....
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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