I could see two crabs. Yeah, should be two! My mom cooks delicious crabs. Yummy!
Will stop here as I am getting hungry looking at this delicious picture. That's all, folks!
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
We can't choose which memories to keep and which not to. They'll be locked up in our hearts whether we like them or not.
I could see two crabs. Yeah, should be two! My mom cooks delicious crabs. Yummy!
Will stop here as I am getting hungry looking at this delicious picture. That's all, folks!
1 wrote a note:
gee...thx for posting those two crabs bought from Serikin.. Had to travel through bumpy muddy roads before I could really take them home. It was raining heavily on that day and the road was filed with muddy pool of water...Worth while the journey there though..or there wouldn't be any two big crabs take care...
- keep smiling -
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