I am falling sick. It has been two days since I caught this flu and my nose is still runny. Before, I am sceptical of whether this was caused by the chicken rice I consumed, but now, I am certain that indeed, that CHICKEN RICE IS THE SOURCE.
Fear not, I haven't got the bird flu symptoms.
Well, at least that's what I think. Maybe I should go and check with the doctor to confirm whether I am positive for bird flu. Oh, please! I don't want to die yet.
I might die not of bird flu but of sorrow. I rather die of sadness as I think that kind of death is more tragic and dramatic. Maybe not. Enough of dying. Let's get to another point before I start to digress further to mortuary, graveyard and so on.
A major incident has surfaced this morning. And because of that incident, I am about to lose Saffy forever. Why must she do such a thing when she knew it's wrong? Why can't she be trained? Why did she have to bite dad's slippers when that would cause his anger to erupt? It's not the first time she did it. Countless times, it had been.
I don't know what's playing in her small, canine brain. But one thing for sure, I might not be able to keep her for long. So if I do not post entries about her in future, it's understood that she's no longer with me. I can't type anymore. My heart aches as I imagine what life she would lead when I'm not with her. I just pray that her new owner will be kind and compassionate to her.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
2 wrote a note:
ha ha ha. you think too much. you'll be fine, fi.
Dun think too much la....there are various kinds of flus...And bird flu is just one of them.......the chance of getting bird flu after eating a plate of chicken rice is like...U kena lottery jackpot..then suddenly get robbed...then hit by a dropping aeroplane on da head and u're still alive.....Kebarangkalian = 0!!!So..all u have to do now is rest..rest...and rest..dun think any other useless thing...K??
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