Weddings are such joyous occasions and everyone celebrates in them.
The celebrated couple
The preparation for the wedding on Saturday (23 October 2010)
Staircase railing by Melanie and Esther. I reckon this is the most difficult job of all as they work under pressure literally. A work done without air-conditioned environment.
I didn't know about the necessities of a wedding until now. The table where the bride and groom sign the papers and the partaking of the Holy Communion.
Before the backdrop is stitched on the curtains.
Finally, all are in place for the big day! Aisle=checked, arch=checked and the backdrop=CHECKED!
The bride (Wai Yee) and groom (Cheah Ching) exchanging their "I Do's" and vows witnessed by family and friends.
Meanwhile, we are at the back snapping pictures.
Seao Yee and me
After the event:
It's time for clean up and here's a picture of Esther and Seao Yee trying to be flower girls.
There's much talk about getting married among the girls during the preparation and the wedding day itself and I wonder whether this is what a wedding makes you think - getting married yourselves. I for one, is not excited at all at the mention of marriage. Is there something wrong with me? I don't know. Maybe I just enjoy the freedom of being single. =)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
2 wrote a note:
One word "Nice"
Preparation for this wedding is really fantastic...Bridal is also very pretty.All the pics of this wedding are really unforgettable...By viewing this images,I remembered my wedding too.....
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