Had a really long day yesterday and however tired I was, I really enjoyed the trip to Shah Alam and KL. About 7 hours of bus ride two and fro did not ruin my mood to enjoy myself even when the ride was bumpy throughout the journey. All these I have no one to thank other than my fellow college mates who made my day.
We departed from college at 6.30 a.m. and stopped for breakfast at Tapah rest area. As it was still early and I was saving my stomach for grilled fish in Midvalley later, I only had some curry puffs. They were delicious. Half an hour of break was more than enough for eating so we had ample time for toilet and erm, a time to reminisce our childhood.
The see-saw! Even the lecturer's wife was having loads of fun. Look at Mickey Alfread enjoying it!
I participated as well. I am glad I wasn't that heavy because I did not break the see-saw.
We snapped more pictures at the rest area while waiting for the rest to get their stomachs filled and bladder emptied.
Mickey has always been our source of entertainment in class. It's very fun to bully him!
The journey was uneventful and the excitement began when we entered Bread Town! Everything looked very Egyptian to me and it was then that I realised that bread-making was first started by the Egyptians. The carvings on the wall depicting the Egyptians making bread were really awe-inspiring.
*Stares in awe*
That was the first thing I noticed when I entered the Bread Town.
The carved door
One of the frames displaying different types of breads
We entered a cinema-like room with a projector and screen right in front and waited for instruction. Then, one of the employees came and showed us a short presentation about the 5000 years of history in bread-making. I love the Georgian era the most. The next part of the tour was even more interesting. It's too bad we were prohibited from snapping photos inside the factory or else this post will be heavily loaded with them.
After the tour, we were each given a bag of bread goodies to take home. We snapped more pictures at the entrance to the gallery.
The giant High 5 bread loaf behind us.
Next stop: Midvalley Megamall
So we had ample time for shopping after that. Ate my favourite ikan bakar and then off to more strolling. Saw the Getha bed again and they have changed the bedding!
So pretty right????
It was already past 4 p.m. and as we were tired and thirsty, we stopped at Delifrance for a drink.
This was what I ordered.
Passion fruit (French Soda)- RM6.50. Before being stirred.
After stirring it. Very refreshing. I got to eat a free cherry too.
Compilation of our individual photos for industrial training resume (Just kidding!)
Took the KTM soon after to go to KLCC. I met one Malay lady in the train that was so rude and she nearly accused me for stepping on her daughter's food. Can't be bothered with rude people. I should remain as a civilized person and that's what I did. She must be thankful.
KLCC - Normal mode
KLCC - Panoramic mode
The fountain area
It's a candid shot. Alfread, you still look like a Mickey Mouse to me.
Posing with the RM2 water we bought in one of the kiosks in KLCC.
The trip ended. Truly, time passed by very fast when we were enjoying ourselves. That was my final excursion. Friends, let's organize another one on our own soon. =)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
3 weeks ago
1 wrote a note:
wow that's a great post. Read twice and still "tak puas" haha. will be waiting right here for your next post. How is the remainder little Baby G.. Will she turn into a Child G? Or.....? Keeping fingers real crossed.
Da da... see you again.. Quick quick think of a new post okay!
A Fan of Baby G
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