Thursday, April 03, 2008

the golden rule..

My joke on first April was quite lame and it was surprising that everyone fell for it. It's not so lame after all, is it? Sarah said I have not been updating like 'useless' duyun (quoted from Sarah). Duyun, if you are reading this, I didn't say you 'useless', okay? I am merely quoting. Hahaha...

I've recently acquired a book entitled, 'Mama's Rules for Livin'' written by Mamie McCullough and those 151 rules are really good. Some are funny while others are very inspirational and have definitely given me motivation to do the things that I want.

One rule which is also my favourite is:

Pain is inevitable - misery is a choice. Forgive.

People experience pain and often turn it into misery. Wouldn't that make pain more painful than it is? Misery is something that you choose to invite into your life. When someone has hurt you in any way at all like breaking your heart, the pain that you feel is inevitable and you might cry soon after. However, when you prolong the pain, it becomes misery which is something more painful than the pain you had already experienced.

The best way to prevent misery in life would be to forgive the person who has hurt you. It might not be an easy task, but it is definitely the best solution to make yourself feel so much better. Hatred will only cause more pain. Thus, misery will come when that hatred becomes more intense.

Love is such a good feeling because it is something humans grow with. To be able to forgive, you need to love. So, learn to love and not to hate, my friends.

And I am still learning too.

4 wrote a note:

mike said...


Anonymous said...

You updated your blog. Yes!!

Anonymous said...

nice one ...
i`ll remember tat rule...
by the way dun hate me too...
and by the way
like ur april`s fool joke too
caught me....

(lost my password on blogspot)

neneknora said...

i happen to fall for your april's naughtiness too! hahaha...
:) missing class soooo much (eventhought i wasn't physically in 5 lily most of the time)