It is another day to the vet again and the Elles were very excited about getting into the car, unbeknownst to them it would be a visit to the Dr. Gilbert.
See their excitement painted on their faces!

Where are we going? Where are we going????

Elly being joyous.

Elsa tried to contain her excitement and remained calm in the moving car.

They could not help it but to let their tongues out of the mouth again. What a relief!! They are still wondering where they are heading to.

Nearing the destination.

Still in a blur state until the moment they got out from the car.

Where are we going? Where are we going????

Elly being joyous.

Elsa tried to contain her excitement and remained calm in the moving car.

They could not help it but to let their tongues out of the mouth again. What a relief!! They are still wondering where they are heading to.

Nearing the destination.

Still in a blur state until the moment they got out from the car.
Elly dashed out from the car and the instant she saw the veterinary, she walked backwards and got back into the car which door was still opened. I had to carry her across the road to the vet. Elsa was following stupidly behind, dragged by Eunice, also realising by now that the car ride was a trap to lure them to the vet. Haha!! Too late to back out now.

Some dogs abandoned outside the vet.

Isn't she a cutie?

Another dog

Cute expression

And a couple of kittens too.

Two of them together.
It was a good work out taking them out because we need to really stretch our muscles to control them.
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